
When I first joined body Xchange I weighed 300 pounds. I was very out of shape. I had never eaten right or exercised regularly in my life. I had no energy and was not happy with the way my life was going. I have three children and I wanted to be able to play with them and have a more active lifestyle. I was on medication for high blood pressure as well.

I joined body Xchange and signed a year contract to receive personal training. I began exercising regularly but was struggling with my diet. I went through a couple trainers and was still not getting the results I wanted.

Last October I started withy current trainer, Tyson Johns. I decided to stick to the diet I was given and started exercising more. In my first week with Tyson I went from 282 pounds to 267. This gave me the motivation that I needed to stick with what I was doing.

I have been training with Tyson for about 7 months now. In that time I have lost 115 pounds and went from a size 24 to a size 10. I am also no longer on blood pressure medication. I have way more energy and feel like a whole new person. I can run and play with my kids, shop at any clothing store I want and have way more confidence than I ever have had. I feel that I am also setting a good example for my kids and am able to keep up with an active lifestyle. I have learned how to eat right and exercise properly.

I have only 20 more pounds to go and am fully confident that I will reach my goals. I never dreamed that I would be at the weight I am now. I just thought I would always be overweight. I am so glad I was wrong.   

1 comment:

  1. Now I can comment without having to look for account information that matches that "allowable" accounts!
